Monday, June 17, 2013

News Update 1

So, my mom called me this morning. Apparently news get around super fast and she wanted me to come out to see her and go for a shopping trip. Superstitions used to say if your house broom fell over you could expect company--I wonder if in this instance her shopping cards started vibrating? That might have been a badly done joke, so we'll move on. It should be noted my mother hails from South Jersey and so make-up, clothes, especially shopping and all things girly are practically instinctual for her. But I grew up mostly in Wyoming so I can't say I really picked up on the knack of conquering malls and making them beg for mercy. And regrettably the make-up I remember her putting on while I was a child wouldn't suit my color palette, this side of the Mississippi, or this decade. So I admitted I was clueless in my last post and my mom being a mom seized on my plea for guidance and has convinced me to do a girl's holiday with her in Branson, Mo around my birthday in August of this year. Malls, hair salons, maybe a spa or something will be involved. We're going to get someone in the big malls to show me how to put on current make-up trends, hair salons might give some body and extra color to my hair, and maybe a mud mask or something might come up in the schedule. There's even huge make-up stores down there which I'm sure will be like walking into a foreign country to me-but, I'm going to do it and my mom's gonna be there with me, for better or worse. Could be good: our relationship has been strained and tense at best these last 5 years and maybe a neutral shopping trip could help restablish or form friendly bonds. You never know. Works in the movies- To Wong Fu, Freaky Friday, just to name a few. And let's face it, it would definitely get me a few steps closer in a shorter amount of time, my budget just can't handle that much change so quickly. So, I'm going to have to start planning and researching so I can have a game plan when I get there. I'll have to find make-ups I want to try, fashions I could be comfortable in and which stores I can find my sizes in, as well as planning my hair make-over. I'm thinking a few highlights or lowlights along with some very loose curls. I'm tired of my straight hair and love it when I take it out the bun and it's kinda spirals all over the place. So I will foster that love and try to love it all the time. Thanks mom for the offer and I'll see you around August! It could be my best birthday yet!!!

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