Friday, June 6, 2014

News Update 2

General Update:
Hi everyone, thank you for continuing to check out my site. I apologize for letting you all down and making you wait for updates. I have in fact been through a lot of adventures, so many in fact that I couldn't bring myself to write about them. In Sept. I tried an AdvoCare program to lose some weight and it worked amazingly.

Right up until Oct 2013 when my dad suddenly died and threw my world into a tailspin. I am only now getting to a mostly non-emotional view of it. I still find myself remembering him and getting teary eyed, but I am able to function practically normal. I was my father's only child so I got the privilege of going through all of his things and even now I am not able to get rid of very much. Every little item, picture, writing has a memory and I can't seem to toss it. I've tossed quite a lot, but not as much as I should. The government was in a shutdown so I wasn't even sure if I'd be able to get him into the National Cemetery he wanted, so I had his remains cremated and the ceremony postponed until Memorial Day of this year. It was one of his favorite holidays.  A paragraph in a post cannot do justice to what I felt and went through that month (or months since) so I will move on to other months. To my friends, family and fans I want you to know a book is in the works chronicling my dad's life and adventurous stories and included will be snippets from my viewpoint. Someday you will know my thoughts but I cannot express it right now.

Nov. 2013 I was a mindless zombie with tears threatening a flood at any moment, but I made it through work at both jobs. I even went up to my aunt's for Thanksgiving and saw quite a few members of my family. I felt intense guilt that I made such an effort to come the year after my father's death and yet not the year before when my dad put in a special effort and wore a suit and tie to the affair. It's true that you don't know what you have 'til it's gone. And in one of the strangest trades I've ever made I gave P my dad's black 1992 Chevy Sierra pickup truck in exchange for a mobile home he was renovating. Unfortunately he had not finished renovating the house so I ended up with a home but "some assembly was required." To be fair I had acquired it planning on having it be a craft/workshop and storage unit so having it in such an unfinished state wasn't so bad at first.

By December I was ready for the year to end and put it all behind me.

Jan. 2014 I started performing venipunctures so this to my way of thinking was when I first became a phlebotomist. Seeing as how I still detest needles and the idea of putting them in people weirds me out- I'm pretty decent at hitting a vein without too many problems.

Feb. and Mar. were more of the same. I'd dispatch Sat. nights for Saferide answering calls and arranging rides for people around town. Sundays I'd work Night Owl and drive people around campus. During the week I'd perform venipunctures, process plasma and in general try to not be overwhelmed by grief. Presenting a professional appearance was a real chore for me with a torrent of emotion surging just beneath the surface.

April was an incredible turning point for me. My mother had come out in October to help me sort my dad's stuff into reasonable boxes for storage, and in return she asked me to come visit her in Missouri. So in April I went to Nixa, Missouri for a week and my mom and I indulged in girly activities. As it turns out, my mother and I get along really well now, especially since we're both making a valiant effort at it. It might have helped that I'm willing to go shopping and discuss hair and makeup now instead of running in the opposite direction, preferably towards a library or museum. We went to shows, on a cruise, drove around and I got a pretty nice makeover. I got my hair highlighted and was shocked to find out I'm a blonde. It's a dark blonde, but I'm not a natural brunette like I thought-guess more of my Norwegian roots are showing! I bought makeup and a gal at the Origins store gave me a facial and showed me how to put some of the makeup on. And we hit quite a few stores and bought all sorts of really amazing outfits that make me feel stylish and womanly. I really appreciated my mom helping me out like that, it was definitely a pick me up.
 May 2014 I spent any moment not at work planning the inurnment ceremony for my dad. I finished designs for his urn and found poems of his to use for the ceremony. My aunt put together the reception area and I got the rest. Memorial Day was a beautifully sunny day and the Sturgis Honor Guard did an amazing job paying tribute to the remains of my father. It's a stunning place full of a quiet reserved peace. And if anyone wants to stop and visit him-Dale G. Amunson is now residing in the Black Hills National Cemetery and he has some great neighbors all of whom would love some company.
As for home improvements, I've torn out cupboards, painted walls, constructed shelves, and in general slowly turned my renovation project from hell into a decent home. Nova loves it but then again there's a lot of catnip all over and a nice long hallway to run down, so it's perfect for him. Little does he know I plan on making my beautiful cat some sun perches for as many windows as I can-I'm sure he'll love it even more after that. As for me, I have a bed, a pseudo closet, a mostly functional kitchen (I have still not turned the stove on) and a bathroom which is not frightening. I swear, my mom saw it and there were no sighs or screeches at all. 'Course she did initiate a 12 hr cleaning session upon coming into my house but I blame the never ending boxes all over the place. And I have a saw, a drill, a hammer and a lot of ideas- it's all starting to come together. I'll update more later. :)

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