Sunday, February 25, 2018

I'm back! And even better!

Hi everyone! So.....apologies for the long absence. Life, apathy, and a little chaos got in the way of me giving you some girlish entertainment. Here's the scoop on the last 4 years:

I switched jobs in 2014 and started working for an in-situ uranium mine. Yep, I worked around all the yellowcake that most folks get squeamish around and I did it while living in a ghost town! Jeffrey City, Wy to be exact. I probably will drop a post about that at some point but I'll move on for the sake of time.

I met a guy!!!! And even better- we got married!!! <3 More truthfully,  we chatted online, met in person, moved in together, got handfasted, and then made it legal. But I now have a person who is just as quirky as me who loves me and thinks I'm the best. :D my grin can't get any bigger.

Following a terrible winter- Wyoming 2016 to 2017 was BRUTAL, we moved. That was interesting trying to get a job interview when my cellphone wouldn't work at work but there was no internet to be had in the ghosttown. We have now moved to Twin Falls, ID, we are both employed, and we bought a house!!! Totally something which wasn't that feasible back in Wyoming however much we both really wanted it.

I'm now in a physical/mental space to blog again, only this time it's gonna be about anything and everything. I'm totally upcycling this blog to make it more....everything. I'm still heathen, I now work as a chemist, I'm uber craftsy,  pragmatical as hell, and fully prepared to drop all the girly stuff cuz let's face it- i haven't used the make-up in years. ;) Now onto to the great posts!