Sunday, September 1, 2013

Mad Hatter Tea Party

Today I celebrated my 3rd Annual 29th birthday! Yay! I hadn't planned on doing anything that elaborate but P said for my birthday he'd bake me a cake. Any cake I would like to try. So I chose one of my more weird combinations. We ended up with a double layer cake (bottom layer being spice cake with chocolate chips while the top layer was a carrot cake) sandwiching butter pecan icecream, and overtop all of this sugary moundedness was a heap of homemade german chocolate frosting (coconut pecan) embellished with red icing flowers and the words "Very Merry Unbirthday!" It was awesome! Sadly, I was so dazzled by my beautiful cake-I forgot to get a picture of it. I just dug in for a piece of delicious confectionary delight. So you'll have to imagine a soft moist cake at least 8 inches high smelling so sweet wasps flew around it in a tizzy, and when it was cut it started falling over like a blossoming flower. Strangely enough, everyone ended up eating their slices from the bottom layer up but I figure that's all par for the course at a Mad Hatter Tea Party.
The idea got started by L (sadly she was sick today and couldn't make it), who having heard about my crazy (but delicious sounding) cake being baked by the ever surprising P-who also owns a legitimate top hat stated I just needed to throw a tea party. A Mad Hatter Tea Party. A sort of sideways Alice-In-Wonderland party. It was such a great idea I had to go with it. I contacted P and got to work planning. The invitations were on gothic Hello Kitty stationary. (Thanks S from grad school! I finally found the perfect use for them!!!!) I rummaged around and corralled all my lovely teacups, and corelle cups, and bought styrofoam cups (with polkadots-what else?) for the tea. And I planned the tea sandwiches. There were the "cucumber sandwiches" which I felt should be made with tuna salad wedged between slices of cucumber, regardless of how the British make it. "Spot the Monster" involved slices of tomatoes with Muenster cheese [I misheard this name the first time and swore it was called Monster-hence the name]. "Peaches and Bears"- a slice of french bread with Camembert cheese [am I the only one who thinks people are calling it "Coming Bear"?] and a thin slice of a nectarine. And last but not least "Mini Melts": slices of sourdough bread, tuna salad and strips of leftover Muenster cheese. I invited around 20 people and fully expected half to 2/3 to show. I was not disappointed. I chose such a relatively small number because I still panic in large crowds of people who know me-regardless of how much I may like to talk to them; I just get overwhelmed. So through lots of deliberation I narrowed my list of contacts down to those people who when encountered in work or public I would frequently engage in conversation lasting 30 min or so until someone yelled at us to move or go work. I felt if I talked to them about nerd-like subjects and we were both fascinated by the other's words, that person would be great company at a party I had not a clue as to what I had planned!
So the day arrived (today in fact). I went as the Queen of Hearts (the kind version if such exists). I donned my fuschia dress with white flowers and imagined it was red with white hearts. I dug out my pretty pink polka-dotted parasol (hah! tongue twister!!!!) and brought it as my "flamingo", you know, in case of a spontaneous bout of croquet. Strangely I kept referring to it as my penguin. Hmmm. And then I drove to the park. And circled the park stalking it for an empty and easy to spot table suitable for a party, on a Sunday, Labor Day Sunday. I found one. It wasn't until I pulled back around, parked and got out of my car that I realized that two sets of guests had followed me around the whole park in my quest for the perfect table! M from the library (eeeee! I feel like James Bond: I have a contact named "M"!) ahem, and Q&C (the couple not the survey) came out of the proverbial bushes as I got out of my car and assisted in moving supplies. M was dressed as an amazingly modern Alice in Wonderland, she had recently gotten her hair cut so it looked perfect! Q has a tattoo stating "Follow the White Rabbit" and came dressed in a dapper blazer with slacks so we deemed her "The white hare" while C wore a summery dress with her long curly hair unbound down her back so we stated she could be the "2nd Alice." Hey, it was my party-I can have 2 Alices if I want to! And then it happened! I went to my trunk to retrieve my black boots (don't ask why my shoes were in my trunk) and one was missing!!!! By this point P had arrived triumphantly with all the vittles and cake-his outfit needs no description as it is posted at the bottom, just know it was stupendous. And as I looked askance at my white sneaker and my one perfect black boot, I was persuaded by Alice 1 and the Mad Hatter to wear them as is. So I did, I wore one sneaker and one boot which kept getting stuck in the moist ground wherever I walked. I blamed the March Hare (not to be confused with the white one) and whilst shaking my parasol/flamingo/penguin uttered "off with his head!"
I had brewed as much hot water as my rather large tea kettle could hold but on the safe side I had P&A (another couple, as I learned later but did not know at time of inviting) bring some iced tea in case we ran out. I mean, I'd already lost a shoe to this party, I was not going to be embarrassed by something as ghastly as running out of tea! Should be noted P (of P&A) dressed quite nicely and A looked simply adorable (but in an adultlike way) with her flowery top and cute shorts. *P&A and Q&C left early to go for a hike so they weren't able to be photographed. Another charming couple R&B came to hang out with me and they are in the picture below, absolutely loved B's (of R&B) tights. And K from book club came looking very cool and chic! And last but not least, my roommates A&B came festively arrayed in their derby hats. I was overjoyed at the enthusiasm everyone had put in for my party. (sigh) It really warmed my heart that I have such friends willing to be silly and fun with me!
As for conversation, imagine the best nerd-like talks you've ever had; filled with book blurbs, movie mentions, bollywood reenactments, plans for future events, comedic stories, science classes gone awry-and my party's chats were even better! LOVED EVERY BIT OF IT! I know, I know you're jealous. But I know I've gotten into many of these chats with most of you, my charmed readers; so don't be too envious, just graciously allow new memberships into the zany Krista and her crazy talks club. Except for you J (formerly known as Varilek) you're still tops of the zany Krista club, I still haven't forgotten the 3am chat where we theorized curing cancer through tomatoe enzymes. Or you B with hypothesizing what goes on at the core of a star as related to the theory of a maximum quantum temperature. It should be noted I'm working on being okay with larger and larger groups so maybe someday all of you can get together and have a grand tea party with me and we can all share in such an inspiring event.

As for the rest of the party, it pretty much wound down as party members gradually left. I took my shoes off halfway through and ran around barefoot for most of it. By three everyone was ready for home and we started cleaning up. P wisely took charge of the cake and asked me what I wanted to do with it. I longingly looked at it and its sugary goodness, and P seeing the gleam in my eyes started backing away. To every excuse I gave, he denied validity. To every "but, but, what about.." he looked at me and asked "really?" Until finally, in defeat, I agreed with him: the awesome cake had did its time. It had lived, was loved, and now needed to retire. The icecream had turned the moist cake into a soggy mud consistency and if I brought it home I would be the only one eating it. And I would. All of it, because it was AMAZING! Which would not be doing my new health plan any help. (SIGH) So, I bid my cake adieu, turned away and told P to take the cake somewhere it would never be seen again. And P (used to my melodramatics) dutifully went and dumped the delapidated remains of my beautiful cake into a nearby trashcan; and then came jaunting back to assist in moving the rest of the tea party equipment. All in all, it went well. Everyone had a good time, ate good food, and I got to enjoy the company of several friends at the same time. Parties are a great idea! So to everyone reading this: "A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU! TO ME? TO YOU! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!

*Feel free to have your own Mad Hatter Tea Party, you can even use my crazy tea sandwich ideas.*

Cool R&B; Alice (M); The Mad Hatter (P); The Queen of Hearts (me!); and chic K
Look, it's the Mad Hatter!